In-A-Pickle Fund

Short-term financial support when the unexpected happens


The idea …

The FCSM steering committee felt that it was not making the best use of its donations by only considering loans once a year. To better utilize its funds and provide additional support to the local organic farming community we created the In a Pickle emergency loan fund.

This micro-loan fund provides a quick way for farmers (and food entrepreneurs) who align with FCSM’s values to get a quick loan if they have some unexpected need for cash. Loan amounts of up to $1,000 will be considered, and repayment is expected within six months. Ideally, repayment should be a priority because we need the funds to make loans in our annual loan program in February.


Complete the application. We have tried to make it streamlined, so you can do this in 30 minutes or so. The application has instructions. Send it to:

The loan review committee will try to respond within one or two weeks. If your need is more urgent that the two-week turnaround, please write and explain that you need an expedited response. We will try to accommodate if we can.


Download Application Here